GSG provides educational opportunities for those wanting to increase their knowledge of the land and managing holistically. We incorporate field days, webinars, workshops, land planning, restoration of the land, and other classes on topics that will help producers to earn a profit, manage the land, and recover the damage that has been previously done. We offer group educational classes as well as hands-on training in the field to teach about managing holistically.
GSG provides classes on the financial and economic benefits of working in agriculture and managing holistically. Our purpose here is to teach producers that they can in fact make a living off agriculture, and they can do so in a way that benefits themselves, their communities, and their ecosystems.
GSG provides a work study program for those interested in pursuing a field in agriculture and managing holistically. We will work with surrounding universities and institutes to facilitate relationships with producers for part time employment for those wanting to learn more about managing holistically. This can provide young adults with a hands-on learning environment, as well as experience in the field that they may not otherwise be able to get with other programs.