The GSG primarily serves land owners, managers and producers in the Southwest Region of the United States, especially those focusing on forage based systems. Our team's combined experience in Grassfed animal production, sustainable agriculture, forages and forage management, past holistic training and our longtime practice of managing holistically puts us in a unique position to partner with the Savory Institute to teach producers throughout Texas and the Southwest holistic principles and guide them in defining and reaching their individual holistic goals. Using these practices, it is our desire to teach producers to understand, implement and adhere to a holistic approach for their farming and ranching operations thereby enhancing the quality of the land, soil, water, and air around us, as well as the lives of the producers both socially and financially. We intend to assist landowners, managers and producers by not only teaching the principles of managing holistically, but aiding them in the application to their own lives and how it can be used on a day to day basis to improve the environment, improve financial and ecological returns and ultimately allowing them a viable living in agriculture. As producers recognize the benefits of managing holistically, we see more and more humans, animals and grasslands reaping the benefits.
We believe there are a significant number of medium and larger landowners who are not managing their rangelands holistically. While we will welcome anyone interested in managing holistically, our primary focus is on Grassfed producers and larger land owners in the region. We have
• multiple demonstration sites (large rural and small near urban areas) that are being holistically managed
• a site with baseline monitoring
• provide the Savory International product and services offering in this region
• use accredited professionals for education, training and/or consulting on projects.
• GSG provides consulting services for those needing assistance with their own location. One or more of our Accredited Professionals can work with producers to identify and resolve issues, implement successful management
strategies, improve profitability, and manage in a holistic way. Our team can design a program that best fits producer's specific needs.
• GSG believes in sharing our knowledge of managing holistically and proper grazing techniques with other landowners, managers and producers. One of our experienced team members can be hired to provide keynote presentations or workshops in conjunction with other events.
• GSG provides Group Facilitation. Our Accredited Professionals will be able to help guide producers in planning, leading and developing their own land using holistic principles. We will work with any size business or organization.
• GSG provides land management classes. These classes will teach producers how to better understand the process of managing land, and ultimately help others to become stewards of the land as well.
• GSG will work with producers to restore biological life to their soil utilizing principles of managing holistically and organic and biological amendments.
PO Box 819, Mason, TX 76856