Restoring Environmental Health
A sustainable farm has healthy ecosystems working in harmony: water cycle, mineral cycle, energy flow, and financial stability along with a healthy social structure. As full time producers we share our knowledge of the land and teach others to manage it holistically so that they too can reap the benefits. Leadership and training can enable land managers to live the life they want and still be profitable, all while protecting the lands they love for future generations.
We teach by example a whole systems approach to land management. By increasing the understanding of how to properly manage livestock and land holistically, we are contributing participants to increasing biological diversity, decreasing desertification, sequestering atmospheric carbon, increasing self-sustainability of producers and ultimately improving the land, water table and increasing profits for those who live on the land.
GSG works in collaboration with land owners, managers, producers, scientists, and various academic institutes to collect research and information on how to manage rangelands holistically. We believe in creating long-term relationships. We believe the delivery of the holistic message stimulates a thought-provoking experience that engenders action toward regenerative practices that help to mitigate climate change. The roll of properly managed ruminant animals is vital to healthy ecosystems.
PO Box 819, Mason, TX 76856